Sensor Status Information

View the status of all sensors, and provide feedback of all sensors on any abnormalities, uninitialized conditions, and so on.

Topic: system/sensor_status
Msg Type: tita_system_msgs::msg::SensorStatus
Code Example: ros2 topic echo /[namespace]/system/sensor_status

Field Description

  • header:Standard metadata for higher-level data types with timestamps. This field is used to convey timestamp and coordinate frame information.

  • infrared_status:Status of the Infrared Sensor.

  • ultrasonic_status:Status of the Ultrasonic Sensor.

  • camera_status:Status of the Camera.

  • left_motor_status:Status of the left motors. This is a list of the status of each motor in the left motor group.

  • right_motor_status:Status of the right motors. This is a list of the status of each motor in the right motor group.

  • temperature_humidity_status:Status of the Temperature and Humidity Sensors.

  • controller_status:Status of the Controller.

  • locomotion_status:Status of the Motion System.

Status Code

The status field in the message uses the following status codes:

  • UNINITIALIZED = 0:Sensor or system is uninitialized.

  • OK = 1:Sensor or system is functioning normally.

  • ERROR = 2:Sensor or system has encountered an error.

  • OFFLINE = 3:Sensor or system is offline.
    locomotion_statusFields use different status codes.

  • DIE = 0x00:The motion system has stopped.

  • INIT = 0x01:The motion system is initializing.

  • TRANSFORM_UP = 0x02:The motion system is transforming upwards.

  • STAND = 0x03:The motion system is standing.

  • TRANSFORM_DOWN = 0x04:The motion system is transforming downwards.

  • CRASH = 0x05:The motion system has crashed.

  • SUSPENDING = 0x06:The motion system is pausing.

  • JUMP = 0x07:The motion system is jumping.

  • UNINITIALIZED_STATUS = 0x08:The motion system is uninitialized.